Content Tags

What are Content Tags?

These are set up for the plugin to work as placeholders for emails, pages and any other MDJM documents and features. When the content tag is inputted, MDJM will run it through the built-in filter engine and replace the tag with the relevant event, application or client information.

The difference between content tags and shortcodes is that the content tags are in curly braces { }. To insert these, copy and paste from one of the ones below – alternatively, you can use the MDJM Shortcodes menu from the top of any text area.

Application Content Tags

These content tags can be used within all Client Zone pages, communications and documents.

The admin URL to WordPress. Including http(s)://

The Client Zone application URL. Including http(s)://

The name of this MDJM application. Defaults to Client Zone

The label used for balance payments. Defined within MDJM -> Transactions -> Transaction Types

The name of your company

The URL to your websites contact page. Including http(s)://

Todays date in short date format as defined in MDJM -> Settings

The label used for deposit payments. Defined within MDJM -> Transactions -> Transaction Types

The label used for Part Payments. i.e. Not the full amount

The URL to your payments page within the Client Zone. Including http(s)://

The URL to the event playlist page for clients. Including http(s)://

The URL to the online quotes page. Including http(s)://

The URL to your website as defined in WordPress settings

Client Zone

These content tags can be used within all Client Zone pages and content where a client can be identified and the information exists. i.e. They are either logged currently logged in whilst viewing the page, or an event is being referenced within a communication or document.

The clients alternative phone number

The clients email address

The clients first name

The clients full address with line breaks

The clients full name

The clients last name

The clients password for logging into Client Zone if used within an email template and the Reset Password link is checked within the event. Otherwise a link to reset their password.

The clients primary phone number

The clients username for logging into Client Zone

Employee Content Tags

Employee content tags are available within all Client Zone pages and other content at any time where an Event can be referenced

The email address of the events assigned primary employee

The first name of the events assigned primary employee

The full name of the events assigned primary employee

The DJ notes that have been entered against the event

The primary phone number of the events assigned primary employee

The setup date for the event

The setup time for the event

Lists all employees set to work the given event

Lists all employees set to work the given event together with their role for the event

Event Content Tags

Event content tags can be used within all Client Zone pages, communications and documents where an event is being referenced.

The admin notes associated with the event

The label defined for artists within MDJM -> Settings ->Events. Defaults to DJ

The list of add-ons available with line breaks. No price. If an event can be referenced, only lists add-ons not already assigned to the event, or included within the event package

The list of add-ons available with line breaks. With price. If an event can be referenced, only lists add-ons not already assigned to the event, or included within the event package

The list of packages available. No price

The list of packages available. With price

The remaining balance owed for the event

The date the event contract was signed, or today’s date

The event / contract ID

The full name of the person who signed the contract

The IP address recorded during contract signing

The URL for the client to access their event contract

The deposit amount for the event

The amount remaining to match the deposit required

The deposit payment status. Generally ‘Paid’ or ‘Due’

The date the event completes in short format

The time the event completes

List of add-ons included with the event with line breaks

List of add-ons and their costs included with the event with line breaks

The date of the event in long format

The date of the event in short format

The contents of the event description field

The duration of the event

The assigned name of the event

The package associated with the event or “No Package”

The package and its cost that is associated with the event or “No Package”

The description of the package associated with the event

The current status of the event

The type of event

The client access URL of the event page within the Client Zone

The URL of the event admin page for management by employees

The final balance payment for an event. Total cost minus deposit, even if the deposit is unpaid

The URL to the event playlist page for guests

A list of payments made by the client for the event with line breaks

The number of days before the event that the playlist closes

The approximate length of the event playlist

The event start time

The total cost of the event

The cost of travel for the event, formatted and including currency symbol

Outputs a URL to Google Maps containing the driving directions to the event

The distance of travel to the event including the measurement units

The approximate time of travel to the event location

The name of the event venue

The name of the contact at event venue

Details stored for the venue within MDJM -> Venues

The email address of the event venue

The full address of the event venue with line breaks

Notes associated with the event venue

The phone number of the event venue

Payment Content Tags

The following Payment content tags can only be used during a payment transaction. For example within the Payment Received Template or the Manual Payment Template.

The term associated with the payment. Quite often Deposit or Balance, but can be any of the Transaction Terms you have specified.

The total value of the payment transaction

The date that the transaction was made

Custom Content Tags

Custom content tags can be defined from MDJM -> Events -> Custom Event Fields where you can also find a list of your custom content tags.